Saviors of Society aims to raise awareness about deforestation through an interactive card game, inspiring action and fostering a deeper connection to nature and sustainability.

Charles Dogma
Creative Director

Tristan Lu
Lead Researcher

Darryl Apuli
All-Round Developer

The Wilting of The Philippines

The Last Lung of Manila
For more information, visit Arroceros Forest Park
As part of Saviors of Society's mission to raise awareness about deforestation, the team visited Arroceros Forest Park. Coined as "The Last Lung of Manila". The forest park stands as one of the last tree reservations located in the heart of Metro Manila. The park stands as a testimony to sustainable urban planning and an example of the various ways we can fight back against the rampant deforestation in our country.
During the team's visit, we talked to lead forest rangers about the various jobs they do to protect the park and maintain the ecosystem as well as what the public can do to promote reforestation efforts in any way possible.
Through collaboration with Arroceros Forest Park, Saviors of Society found a way to inform the public about forest protection through a fun card game where you protect your own forests that reflect the real life endangered trees in the Philippines as well as the threats that pose to them and ways they can prevent or counter these calamities.